Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Chicken alla Cacciatora

Chicken alla Cacciatora


Neil Waring
Revered Wyoming Chef, outdoor cooking expert, admired woodsmen, award winning author, retired politician and honored citizen.

I am not big on ethnic foods, usually preferring good old Middle -America country food - what else for someone who grew up in Nebraska and now lives in Wyoming? But I do enjoy Mexican, Chinese, Japanese and especially Italian on occasion.


So what is this alla Cacciatora stuff? Or am I the only one asking? It refers to hunter style, game meat most often poultry, cooked with onions, herbs and tomatoes in a wine sauce.

Ø  Cut up one whole chicken, or 3 chicken breasts, or parts and pieces of your choice, sprinkle the pieces with flour, salt and pepper and fry.

Ø  Take chicken from skillet and set aside. When cooled cut into bit sized chunks about ½ by ½ inch each

Ø  Chop one large onion, cook until soft in a small mixture of the leftover fat and 2 chicken bouillon cubes

Ø  When the onion has browned, add back the chicken and one pint fresh or one can diced or stewed  tomatoes and half a dozen sweet green peppers or one rough chopped green pepper.

Ø  When the gravy is thick enough add enough hot water mixture (use a mix of I teaspoon of cornstarch, 1 crushed chicken bouillon cube and one cup water- add slowly).

Ø  To prevent the burning of the vegetables, turn down the heat. Cover the pan tightly and simmer until the chicken is very tender. Add more hot water if needed, but don’t let it get too thin.

Ø  You can make this with chicken breast meat, but I like to use pieces of the darker meat also-tastes great either way.


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