Saturday, February 2, 2013

Good Ol’ Boy Corned Beef Hash

Got 'er done!

This is now one of your favorite recip                    

Stuff you will need - Ingredients

·      3 tablespoons butter

·      1 large onion, finely chopped

·      2 cups diced corned beef

·      4 cups diced potato

·      Salt and pepper – this really does not need salt but if your BP is good sprinkle a little on


1. Get out the big old black skillet for this one. I love it when I get to use this one – hunting camp type food – let the calories fly


2. Turn heat to medium/high melt the butter toss the onions in hot oil until they soften and turns a nifty golden brown


3. Toss in the corned beef and potato. Stir and let them sizzle, don’t let it get too hot, fry until potatoes start to turn soft


4. Press the potato mixture down to creating a more compact layer.


5. Cook for a few minutes continuing to smash down potatoes (like one large pancake), takes a few minutes to get a nice golden-brown crust, but that’s what you want


6. Flip and cook for another few minutes to heat through.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper before serving.


*This is great with wild game made corned beef



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