Friday, December 29, 2006

Spaghetti and Cheese

    Ye Old Wyoming Crazy Recipe



Neil Waring

Revered Wyoming Chef, outdoor cooking expert, admired woodsmen and honored citizen.


Spaghetti and Cheese

Now this is one family favorite that you will not soon forget. Buy one large bag-sack or what ever they call that wrap around spaghetti, the one pound bag should feed 2 if you had some lunch. Break spaghetti into thirds (three pieces). Heat a big-ol pot of water to a roaring boil-when water starts slopping out on the stove it should be hot enough. While water is heatin up get out a brick of Velveeta cheese and cut off about ten or twelve ¼ in slices. Cut each slice into fourths/cut across each way once. Careful when cutting the Velveeta, try not to get too much of that foil paper stuff the cheese is wrapped in - in the pot. Now toss all them bitty little pieces of pasta (fancy word us chiefs or is it chefs use for spaghetti) into the pot. Let boil for awhile then hold plate over the pot and dump water into the sink. Add some milk to the pot and throw in the Velveeta. Get a regular table fork out of the drawer and stir in the Velveeta with burner still on super high till it all melts into one giant ball of pasta-cheese-milk stuff. Season with salt and pepper and serve. For special occasions grind up a few crackers, sprinkle on top add a little cheddar (a non-Velveeta cheese) to the top and put in the oven on broil until the smoke alarm goes off. Put on your huntin glove and pull outta the smoke filled oven and serve. This dish is exceptional served with Diet Pepsi, white bread and a bunch a meat.

Happy Eatin!


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