At the young age of 64 I have became a smoker—no not that
kind—the other kind.
For years I have wanted to try smoking meat but never wanted
to invest the time and effort to learn and do. This summer I bought an inexpensive smoker*
for my retirement and have tried, beef, pork, chicken and turkey so far. I have
had more hits** than misses** although some of my work was not of an award
winning nature.***
I have now found dozens of good sights to learn about
smoking meat and pick what I think will work best for me and go from there. I
have now developed my own dry rubs (this took a little time and experimentation).****
This week I am looking into brining**** and will attempt to make summer sausage
and Canadian bacon next week for Christmas. Wish me luck!*****
*Only looked at Wal-mart, K-mart and Menards (everything is
cheap in these stores) didn’t want to say cheap smoker in the above post
because that makes me look – well- cheap.
**Hit meaning we ate at least some of it, miss meaning we
tossed it out and the raccoons left it alone
***I have never actually won a cooking award but I dream
about them sometimes
****This means I spent a small fortune and threw out a lot
of good spices – WARNING-most online
recipes for rubs include Chili Powder, leave it out. The good rubs don’t
use it. Unless you are rubbing it on your chili, then of course rub-it-in.
***** I need it and I like the look of ***** in a post, kind
of dresses it up.
Oh and Ho, Ho, Ho and Merry